What We Do

It’s all about anticipation of an event that could become a crisis and the readiness of your team to successfully manage it!


The AEGIS Approach to Anticipating, Preparing for, and Managing Crisis:

Step 1: Early Detection = Early Warning

Working in collaboration with our clients, we will identify both strategic and operational risks based on likelihood, impact and vulnerability. This approach allows
organizations to better anticipate, understand and prioritize their most important risks.

Step 2: Crisis Management & Communications Plan

Working in collaboration with our clients, we will develop Crisis Preparedness and Communications Plans and Processes to help organizations prepare for and manage
incidents that have the potential to escalate or have escalated into actual crises that impact internal and external stakeholders. As part of this process, we will help to organize you as a Crisis Management Team – including outlining roles/responsibilities for each team member.

Step 3: Crisis Preparedness & Responsiveness Test/Exercise

Our team, in collaboration with our clients, will develop and facilitate a company-specific and comprehensive exercise based on a realistic scenario that could impact your critical processes, brand, reputation and financial results. This exercise will not only stress-test your Crisis Management and Crisis Communications Plans but also test team members’ ability to respond to a crisis.

Step 4: Real Time Assistance

When crisis strikes, if you need us, we are here for you! Our team has more than three decades of experience in providing real-time crisis and business continuity management: including members of our team with senior level experience on the client side. We have experts with global experience in multiple settings including public relations, regulatory, media, employee, customer, investor communications and executive media training.

For more information please contact: Carol Perlman |212-639-9799|carol@aegiscrisismanagement.com